Saturday, May 28, 2011

Forgotten Maps and the Mowing

In talking to Joe about the tornado warning we were under the other day, I realized he has forgotten what weather maps are. He asked me how I knew we were under a warning, and I showed him the map I'd been following on He looked at it blankly and didn't know what the red boxes meant. Damn, he's been following these things his whole life, and now they are totally unknown to him.

Here's a picture I took of Joe showing him mowing.  It's an absolute freakin' obsession with him.  At least this way he won't run it into a planter (2 of which he did and smashed, concrete ones, no less) or get it stuck in the back 40. He's doing something and happy.

Mother has been playing flashlight games all morning. She lays in bed and flashes the flashlight on the wall. I keep waiting for her to get up, but it's 3 p.m. without her showing her face. I'm going to have to get her up.

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