Friday, July 6, 2012

Temperature Log

To start off with, here's today's pic of the thermometer. Sheesh. I actually did get out of the house today and to the store. Nothing like running out of soda to get you out in 107F weather.

Actually, I had an ulterior motive. My Dad's cat, dismally called "Stoopid," who isn't really that stupid, was awfully mouthy this morning. Usually when he's that mouthy, it means I have a lovely present of a vole, a mole, a bird, or a rabbit. This morning I didn't see anything, and finally batted him away. About an hour later, as I went back to the kitchen for a second cup of coffee, I did the skitter dance because there was a lovely, little, striped green snake on the floor of the den about 3 feet from me.

Ulterior motive? To get Larry from the store to come over and get the snake outta da house. Because after I skittered more feet than I care to claim, I dashed to the kitchen, got my tamalera and upended it over the snake. To make certain the itty bitty demon was corralled, I put the box fan on top of that. To make things easy for Larry, I put the yard-long barbecue tongs over the fan.

You know how you like to think you can do anything? Well, I freely admit, to all and sundry, without reservation, that I can't do snakes. Oh, and heights. So I go into the store, and corner Larry quietly and ask this big favor of him. "When you get home will you please get the snake out of my den?" The next thing I knew, from all over the store I hear, "In the house?"  "Gayle?" Oh, gee, thanks, Larry. Let the whole damn store know I can't get near a teeny garden snake.

Sigh. Whatcha gonna do? Basically, I'm going to say I cannot begin to give enough thanks for good neighbors, nor give enough thanks to Larry for all the things he has done for us. He has come over at 3 in the morning to pick up my father who fell out of bed. He came over 4 times to pick my father up the last day Dad was at home (which is the day I cried uncle over caring for my dad at home.)  He has filled in the old collapsed septic tank with dirt. He has plowed up a new garden for me. He has fixed an electric line from the house to the workshop that was taken out by a limb in a storm.

Those are some of things I know Larry has done. There have to be countless things I don't know he's done for my parents. One cannot begin to thank someone enough for the things like these that they do.

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