I have a new pair of favorite socks - a creamy orange pair I knit two weeks ago. Man, it's been years since I knitted socks. My last pair wore out, and I've never replaced them. Obviously, I need to get going on this again.
These socks really are the same size. I've not photographed a lot of socks, so experience beats me here. Laid out side by side, I could NOT make them look the same size. I swear they're equal, even if the photo on the right doesn't look like.
These socks were knitted from the S.O.C.K.S. pattern by Claudia Krisniski of Countrywool. Claudia did this pattern in 2000, and it's still the only sock pattern I've ever knitted. Goes to show you I'm not much of a knitter.
The yarn was some I spun. It is a two-ply; one ply being a natural white and the other from fiber I dyed using, I think, Kool-aid. It was dyed so long ago I can't remember.
Last night I started a market bag from a pattern sent to me by Cherizac at http://madhyatmika.wordpress.com/ . I had to rip it because I don't have large enough needles, but I wanted to see how it works. I've never done knitting before that produces a net like effect. Once I get back to Memphis, I'll pop over to the yarn store and get some size 13s and be off to do some market bags.
I'm really tired of the pile of market bags in the closet. They're on a shelf; they're different sizes; they slip, slide, and fall off. I hate to take the Kroger bags into Aldi and vice versa. Guess I'm just silly that way. I found some cotton houseware string at the local Chinese Market in Memphis for $1.25 for 2 balls. I'm thinking it will take about 3 balls to make a bag. I'll update once I find out.
With these I can stuff a bunch of them into one and have a smaller footprint for storage. It's said they hold a ton of stuff, so that's nice.
Requesting pictures of socks, please??
Okay, edited 2/24/2011 to add pictures and links to pattern.
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